You can break any of the three bones that form the ankle joint: the ankle bone (talus) and your two leg bones (tibia and fibula) where they meet the ankle bone.
Ankle fractures are commonly caused by rolling your ankle inward or outward or a high-energy trauma such as falling from a high place.e the most common foot fractures?
Your foot is a complex structure consisting of 26 bones that are all susceptible to fractures.
These are the most commonly fractured parts of your feet, usually due to an injury such as hitting your foot against a hard object.
The Lisfranc joint is the area of your foot where metatarsals (the long bones leading up to your toes) and the bones in your arch connect. Fractures in this area typically occur when a heavy object falls on the top of your foot.)
Your heel bone consists of very hard bone on the outside with spongy bone on the inside. It takes a lot of force to fracture your heel, but once it breaks, severe damage occurs because the softer inner bone collapses.

You may experience mild or severe symptoms, but all fractures cause some degree of:
- Pain
- Swelling
- Bruising
- Inability to bear weight
If your bone is displaced, you may also see an obvious deformity in your foot.
If you suspect you have a fracture, you can begin care at home following the RICE protocol: rest, ice, compression bandage, and elevation.
Fractures require immobilization to give the bones time to heal, but the type of immobilization depends on your fracture. It can range from taping your toes to a walking boot or cast.
Any type of fracture may need surgical repair if it’s severe. Surgery is essential, however, when you have a compound fracture with the bone protruding through your skin or you fracture multiple bones.
Our surgeons have extensive experience performing surgery to reposition bones, repair soft tissues, and to stabilize the bone with plates, pins, and screws when necessary.
If you have symptoms of a foot or ankle fracture, call ACE Foot and Ankle Medical clinic for a quick consultation.