Top podiatrist and foot doctor in oakland

Dr. Lagaay is a top board certified podiatrist practicing in Oakland and Sunnyvale California. A podiatrist is a doctor of podiatric medicine, a physician and surgeon who treats the foot, ankle, and related structures of the leg. Why Should I See a Podiatrist or foot doctor? Feet are complex anatomical structures, all-in-one stabilizers, shock absorbers, and propulsion engines that are instrumental to overall health and well-being. Be sure you’re seeing the most qualified health-care professional to treat your feet by looking for the letters “DPM” after his or her name. The DPM means a physician has completed years of rigorous foot and ankle training in podiatric medical school and hospital-based residency training, making him or her uniquely qualified to care for this part of the body. Find an APMA member podiatrist near you. If you are seeking a top podiatrist or foot [...]